(ا لمنتصر)
Land Rover has a long history of providing vehicles for military applications, including reconnaissance and scouting roles. Military scouting involves gathering information about enemy forces, terrain, and other relevant factors to support military operations.
- Range (30km)
- PayLoad (5kg)

About :
Land Rover has a long history of providing vehicles for military applications, including reconnaissance and scouting roles. Military scouting involves gathering information about enemy forces, terrain, and other relevant factors to support military operations.
Features :
Swarming intelligence for seamless coverage.
Land Rover’s off-road prowess for versatile deployment.
Real-time monitoring and instant response capabilities.
use case :
- Reconnaissance missions: Land Rovers can be used to conduct reconnaissance missions to gather information about enemy positions, movements, and terrain features.
- Surveillance operations: Equipped with surveillance equipment such as cameras, sensors, and communication systems, Land Rovers can monitor areas of interest and provide intelligence to military commanders.
- Border patrol: Land Rovers are suitable for patrolling and monitoring borders, detecting and deterring illegal crossings, and supporting border security operations.
- Special forces operations: Land Rovers can be deployed for special forces missions, including reconnaissance behind enemy lines, intelligence gathering, and target acquisition.
- Urban warfare: In urban environments, Land Rovers can navigate narrow streets and alleys, providing mobility for reconnaissance teams and supporting urban warfare operations.
Specifications :
- Autonomous Capabilities: Advanced autonomous modes. path planning, and mission execution, empowered by ArduPilot.
- Mission Planning: Simple point-and-click mission planning interface for easy deployment and real-time mission adjustments.
- Encryption: 256-bit AES hardware encryption ensures the highest level of data security during mission operations.
- Communication: RFD900x encrypted communication system ensuring secure data transmission and resilient command & control link.
Benefits :
- Mobility: Land Rover vehicles are known for their off-road capabilities, allowing them to traverse various terrains and reach remote locations efficiently.
- Durability: Military vehicles are designed to withstand harsh conditions and rough terrain, ensuring reliability in challenging environments.
- Versatility: Land Rover vehicles can be adapted for different military roles and equipped with specialized equipment for reconnaissance and surveillance missions.
- Integration: Land Rover’s military vehicles can be integrated with advanced communication and surveillance systems to provide real-time data to military commanders.
- Cost-effectiveness: Land Rover vehicles are often more cost-effective than purpose-built military vehicles, offering a balance between performance and affordability.